To say this weekend was tiring is an understatement. But it was all worth it.
SAturday was the Revlon Run/Walk for Women's Cancer. Ally, Kathy, and emily spent the night at Peggy's apartment Friday so we would be able to get a good night's sleep before the early start. We had a fun sleepover. Stayed up late talking and laughing...we don't get a lot of sister time anymore, so this was certainly a treat.
Saturday was a little chilly, but a beautiful day. We had a great walk...finished in 1 hour 07 minutes. (Although they did admit that it wasn't as long as it was supposed to be. It was about 2 1/2 miles instead of 3)
After the walk, the sleepover crew had a nice lunch and a trip to Crumbs for a ton of cupcakes.
Let me point out that during this time, Ron had a sleepover of his own; spending the night at Kathy's house with Patrick and hanging out with Jack all day Saturday. He said the boys had a good time.
Then on Sunday Patrick and I heading back to city to see Max and Ruby Live at the Best Buy Theatre in Times Square. He was great on the train. Then we met Peggy at Penn Station and had lunch at Bubba Gump's before the show. Patrick decided he didn't want to see the show...he was scared. (It was really dark int here before the show started) But once Max and Ruby came out, he perked up and loved the show.
After that, we headed to Toys R Us. I wish I captured the look on his face when he walked in there. It was priceless. He was so excited. But not as excited as when we turned the corner and there stood a real life Spiderman. Of course he had to have his picture taken with him. It was so cute. Worth the amount they charge.
I had promised him we would take a taxi but it was a zoo in the city that day and it was impossible to flag one down. So we walked back to Penn Station. Patrick did so well. He didnt start complaining about walking until around 36th/35th street. Perfect!!
I thought for sure he would fall asleep on the turn letting Mommy get a nap in, but no luck. He was wide awake until we got in the car.
So needless to say...after 2 loooong days of walking in the city, Mommy was exhausted. But I had two extremely happy children at the end of it all. Allyson loved participating in the walk and wants to do it again. And Patrick loved his day too. (Since he made out like a bandit between the prizes he got at the show and then at Toys R Us)
I'd say I am looking forward to a relaxing weekend, but there is no such thing in the month of May for this family.
OH...and a big shout out to ROn for the awesome job he did tye dying all of the shirts for The Brave Harts!!