Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Happy April Fool's Day!

Today in our Hing Family History was the day Ron got down on one knee and popped the question. Feels like soooo long ago. (in a good way)

Well last night was Ally's first soccer game on her travel team. Unfortunately, they were destroyed. I believe the final score was something like 8-1. But they never gave up...they kept on fighting. Travel teams are usually really good....our team is young and inexperienced. They need A LOT more practice.

And what we thought was just a quick spring league actually goes until June. So this should make for some fun times shuttling between soccer and basketball in the summer. Hopefully they won't overlap too much. Can't wait to add Patrick's sports schedule into the mix one day. (We already have the tennis club lined up for him....we know he'll be a natural.)

Other than soccer, we've been getting things together for Disney. We can't wait to go!! Hoping Patrick enjoys the flight and doesn't become "Jeffrey" from the Bill Cosby skit.
2 1/2 hours can feel like a lifetime with a screaming child. I know what you're thinking...'Not sweet little Patrick'...but those of you who are thinking that way have obviously not seen the lovely tantrums that he's begun to throw when things don't go his way. So please, everyone, say a prayer for us. (and pray that we are all healthy and do not have a repeat of our last family vacation to Virginia when we all had the stomach flu together the entire trip)

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